Gmail ads are over. Meet Discovery ads!

Nadia, Epic Agency
June 22, 2021

Have you heard of Discovery campaigns yet? One of the latest innovations from Google brings additional opportunities to the existing set of advertising channels, and it will replace the Gmail Sponsored Promotions / Gmail ads (GSP) campaigns. Gmail ads are saying goodbye at the end of June. From 1.7. it will no longer be possible to create new Gmail campaigns or modify existing ones. Google recommends Discovery campaigns, which came to life this year, as a replacement for GSP campaigns. In addition to running ads in Gmail inbox, Discovery campaigns also offer ads on YouTube (in the Home and Watch next section) and in Google’s Discovery feed. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to choose one or two placements, your ads will automatically appear on all three. With the new type of campaigns, Google promises us more reach. As they say, daily reach is approaching as many as three billion users worldwide.

With Discovery campaigns, Google is getting closer to its goal of campaign automation. Thus, in Discovery campaigns, in order to simplify the use, some features such as manual bidding are disabled. Only “Maximize conversions bidding” or “Target CPA” is available to advertisers. It is also not possible to adjust devices or placement targeting, nor can you set frequency limits and ad rotation. Discovery campaigns, on the other hand, offer visually rich and extremely compelling ads that reach the users while browsing their favorite Google products. Ads could be single images or carousels of different images. Google’s advanced machine learning has also come to the fore in these campaigns, as five different titles and descriptions, that we enter into the system, when creating an ad, automatically form the best combination of text and creative. In this way, Google is trying to automate the ad optimization process, so that the most appropriate combinations reach the right users, who will also do the conversion you want.

Discovery campaigns are suitable for increasing sales, subscribing to online newsletters, or simply to increase website traffic. With visually rich ads, these campaigns are also suitable for reaching new potential customers or reconnecting with existing ones.

If you would like to represent your brand with the Discovery campaign, our team of experts is here for you.


Nadia, Epic Agency